Many parents tend to worry about how they are going to pay for their child’s college education after they are done with high school. The prices for a college education are on the rise as some recent reports have shown that many families will pay up to $1,400 more this year than they did last year. And tuition costs do not generally cover costs outside of your classes. You will still need to come up with funds for books and living expenses as well.
College Financial Aid
But there is hope! Financial aid is available to those who qualify as there is well over $143 billion in grant money. Most people think of tuition as a huge cost, several and several thousand dollars spent every year.
However, it is possible to attend school for much less. Almost 56 percent of students can attend a 4 year school and pay considerably less than $10,000 including tuition and fees. It is possible to pay quite a bit less than the listed price if you factor in all of the grants and financial aid that is out there.
To also put this in perspective, any further education will also make it easier to pay back any loans you accrue. Studies show that bachelors degrees will earn someone over 60 percent more than those who just finished high school. That will add up to at least $800,000 in the potential earning gap.
College Application Process
Now that you realize how affordable college can be, lets take a look at a few steps that you will need to take to ready yourself for the application process. It is suggested that you talk to a school counselor to figure out a game plan as to what you will study, what degrees you will aim for, and how long it will take. Here are some general questions you can ask:
- What is your game plan? What will I need to do to receive a degree and graduate?
- How should I schedule my classes to finish them as quickly and efficiently as possible.
- Is there required testing prior to starting college?
- What tools are available to me to better prepare myself?
- How soon before school starts should I fill out paperwork for financial aid, grants and college scholarships?
- Does this school require really good grades to attend?
- Will I need to transfer from this college to another to complete my education?
- What grants or awards are available to me?
So the real question here is not how college tuition works, but how can you make it work for you? College tuition only goes as far as paying for your classes and does not typically cover books, parking, living expenses, or any miscellaneous supplies needed in the programs you may attend. It is crucial to realize this now to better ready yourself for the Fall Term. It is a very good idea to make several appointments with your school counselors as well as trips to local colleges. By using the resources available to you, you should be able to make a smooth transition from high school to college and do it quite affordably.