A Guide for Finding a Babysitting Job
Babysitting jobs have always been in demand. Parents cannot always take their children with them. Plus, sometimes parents just need a night out. So who is going to watch the kids? If there are no relatives nearby like grandparents or aunts and uncles, the parents are going to have to call a babysitter. Typically, you think of babysitting jobs being ideal for teenage girls but young women in their twenties who have experience and more responsibility can make ideal babysitters.
As part-time jobs go, babysitting can bring in some decent money. Think about it; there is no overhead other than gas to get there. You usually baby-sit at someone else’s house so you don’t have to buy food for the children. You can use the supplies of the household to clean up messes. And unless you take the kids to a movie, you don’t have to pay for entertainment.
Babysitting is a great way to teach yourself responsibility and how to act like a mature adult. But it’s not always fun and games with the kids. Before you get started in babysitting, there are a couple of things that you need to consider.
You Need to Like Kids
You need to like children if you want to be a babysitter. If children make you cringe and want to pull your hair and shriek, then you need to find another type of work. Anyone with experience with children will tell you (usually while they are laughing) that kids can be a handful. They don’t always do what they are told. They do not act in a normal, civilized manner. They don’t even view things in a logical way. You need to be able to cope with this type of behavior without losing your cool.
Kids can also be full of affection. Depending on the age, they may want to cuddle, play, or just hang out with you. Winning the hearts of the children that you are babysitting can be very rewarding in itself and definitely will make the job easier.
What Kind of Job Can You Handle
This is a tough subject and one that you need to consider carefully before you take a job. Not everyone is cut out for every age group. Some people can only handle one or two children at a time. Others are better at multi-tasking and can keep up with a full household. Before you take on a job, think about these things.
How many children can you handle? What age groups are you better with? Can you take care of a baby? What are the hours that you can work? What days can you work? Are you willing to work on the weekends? Are you comfortable being the only adult in the house at night? Are you prepared for emergencies?
These are important questions you need to ask yourself. Once you have figured out what kind of babysitting job you would be best at, it’s time to start searching.
Finding a Babysitting Job
When you are ready to start looking for a babysitting job, there are a couple of ways you can go about it. Some of the best are word of mouth, newspapers, the internet, fliers, and networking.
Word of Mouth
This is probably the best way to find a babysitting job. You should talk to everyone that you know and let them know that you are available for babysitting jobs. You can tell your parents so that they can tell their friends and co-workers. If you go to church, let everyone know, especially those whose children are in the church nursery, that you are available. You can also go to your neighbors, your friends, and extended family to put out the word.
Once it gets around that you are a babysitter, you should be able to find a job pretty soon. Some clients are going to want a resume or references from past clients. If you are just starting out, you are not going to have any and should tell them up front that. After you have had a few jobs (and assuming they went well) then you can list the clients for reference. Always ask first and make sure that is okay. As in any business, you don’t want to impose on your client.
The newspaper is a good source for finding a babysitting job. In the classifieds section you can sometimes find ads for parents seeking a babysitter. If the ad sounds like it fits with the type of babysitting you do, such as age and number, then answer it. If there are no specifics listed, call up the phone number on the ad and ask.
The internet has become a good source for finding babysitting jobs. There are several job websites that advertise babysitting jobs according to what area you are located. It is easy to do a search and give your zip code. The sites will then list all available jobs in your area.
Posting fliers is a traditional way of advertising for babysitting jobs. The flier should contain all the pertinent information such as a contact number, what age groups you work with, previous experience, and hours available. You can post the fliers around town on telephone poles, bulletin boards inside local establishments, and anywhere that parents take their kids. Try to hang them up in churches, schools, libraries, and the park but make sure you get permission first.
Once you have established yourself as a babysitter and you have worked for a few clients, try to use them for networking. Ask them if they will talk to their friends to let them know about your services. Getting a recommendation from a satisfied client is much better than having your parents ask around for you.